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Gas or Diesel Fuel Martinique

Facing the hills and twists and turns in Martinique

30 decembre 2019

Which one to choose?

Are you leaving soon for the French Caribbean? Going to Guadeloupe or Martinique? You simply want to rent a car but do not know whether to choose diesel or gas? Here’s a clarification on the choice of engine power: due to new government regulations it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a diesel fuel car to rent. Alwégo does still have diesel fuel cars available in stock. 

Gas or Diesel in Martinique

The island of Martinique has steep and mountainous terrain. To fulfill the full experience of exploring the island we recommend renting a diesel vehicle as it is better adapted to drive up the numerous hills and go through the countless bends and curves found on the island.


Gas or Diesel Fuel Guadeloupe

Flat Terrain in Guadeloupe

30 decembre 2019

Which one to choose?

Are you leaving soon for the French Caribbean? Going to Guadeloupe or Martinique? You simply want to rent a car but do not know whether to choose diesel or gas? Here’s a clarification on the choice of engine power: due to new government regulations it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a diesel fuel car to rent. Alwégo does still have diesel fuel cars available in stock. 

Gas or Diesel in Guadeloupe 

Regarding Guadeloupe the terrain is flat with roads that do not have twists and turns. You can choose any power engine. In Guadeloupe and Martinique the prices at the pump are regulated by a prefectoral decree. There is hardly any price competition. It must be noted that diesel is generally priced lower than gasoline. The choice is yours!  In either case it is best to get a turbocharged car. Many gasoline rental cars are now offered with diesel equivalent of over 60 horsepower.