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Did You Know?

Rhum AOC Martinique

30 decembre 2019

Rhum AOC

Unique in the World

Did you know? The term Rhum AOC Martinique means that certain types of rhum from Martinique have been given the label of “protected destination of origin”. Whether its white or old rum it is produced according to the same tradition guaranteeing its “protected destination of origin” quality. An exceptional distinction first used in 1996. It is the pride of producers,wine merchants, collectors alike. Notwithstanding, it brings an absolute joy and happiness to both locals and visitors from around the world.


Popular Drink

Land of Rum

Martinique produces more than 13 million bottles of rum a year. Half goes to France, one quarter goes to the European Union, and the last quarter is consumed on site throughout the year. Rum can be sipped at any time from morning to night! 


Guided Tours

The distilleries housed in traditional dwellings are themselves historical museums in their own right. At these distilleries you do not need a language or audio guide all you need is a cellar master and her or his collection of rum knowledge. They will guide you with your eyes closed with through the sensory of taste. A rum tasting project similar to that of the wine tasting project of the city of Bordeaux is all that is missing in order for visitors to have an exceptional experience with rum.


Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to health, drink in moderation.